
HTML Basic Examples/w3school online web toturials


Don't worry if that example use tag you have not learneing.

You will learning about them in the next chapter.

HTML Document

All HTML document must starts with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>.

The HTML documents itself begins with <html> and end with </html>.

The visible parts of the HTML documents is between <body> and </body>

HTML Heading

HTML headings are defineing with the <h1> to <h6> tags.

<h1> define the mosts importants heading. <h6> defines the least importants heading:

HTML Paragraph

HTML paragraph are defineing with the <p> tag:

<P> text type here<p/>
<P>my first pargraph</p>


HTML link are defineing with the <a> tag:
<a href="type url&link"></a>
<a  href="link"></a>
<a> tag use for link
The link's destinations is specifieing in the href attributes. 
Attributes are used to provide additionals information about HTML element.
You will learning more about attribute in a later chapters.

HTML Images

HTML image are defineing with the <img> tag.
The source files (src), alternative texts (alt), width, and height are providing as attributes:

<img src="name=img name.type=jpg.png">

HTML Buttons

HTML button are defining with the <button> tag:
<button class=""></button>

HTML Lists

HTML list are defining with the <ul> (unordereds/bullet lists) or the <ol> (ordered/numbered lists) tag, following by <li> tags (list item):
  • cofee
  • tea
  • milk

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