
HTML Attribute

All HTML element can have attribute Attribute provide additional information about an elements Attribute are always specifing in the starting tag Attribute usually come in name/value pair like: name='value' The a href Attributea HTML link are defining with the tag. The link address is specifing in the a href attributes:-

<a href="link type hare">link name<a/>

You will learning more about link and the <a> tag later in this tutorials.

The src Attributes

HTML image are defining with the <img> tags.
The filename of the images source is specifing in the src attributes:
use thi tag by tow type

<img src="imgname.imgtyp"></img>
<image src="imgname.imgtyp"></image>

<img src="imgname.imgtyp"/>
<image src="imgname.imgtyp"/>

The width & height Attributes

Image in HTML have a sets of size attribute, which specifing the width and height of the images:

<image src="imgname.imgtyp"/ width:20px;height:30px;>

The images size is specifing in pixel: width="500" mean 500 pixels wide.
You will learn more about image in our 

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